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Tai Chi & Qi Gong

Offered twice per week: in-studio only
Mondays 4:00-5:00pm and Wednesdays 9:00-10:00am a
t Inner Light Yoga and Wellness.

Gentle & artful movements, guided meditation, and breath-work to stimulate energy (qi) and deepen inner balance. Excellent tools for stress reduction. Improved coordination, joint mobility, and balance are key physical benefits. Beginner friendly. 

Gentle Yin Yoga+ Yoga Nidra for Deep Relaxation

Wednesdays 10:30-11:45am

Location: Inner Light Yoga & Wellness.

Class offered in-studio and online.

Gentle Yin Yoga: A wonderful way to slow down the pace of life and de-stress. Be guided safely into deeper stretches to release tension especially through the hips and legs. Mostly floor work with longer holds for each pose. Ideal for athletes and those who want to deepen the inner meditative aspect of their practice. All levels welcome, including beginners.

Yoga Nidra is extremely beneficial for reducing stress, and has been used very successfully in treating conditions such as hypertension (high blood pressure), anxiety, depression, as well as Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome, among others. Yoga Nidra is a deeper dive into your true nature and a wonderful way to connect to Spirit. An excellent way to compliment any practice.

New Back Yoga- Recover & Restore at Inner Light Yoga & Wellness

Offered several times per week at the studio. See Inner Light schedule for details.

Tuesdays at Inner Light Yoga & Wellness in Vernon.


Classes offered in-studio and online via Zoom link.

A powerful movement program to restore your natural neutral body alignment. 
This is a therapeutic style of yoga aimed at repairing back injuries, and helping to restore full body functions. 

Includes a focus on breath and relaxation for overall tension release. 
This class is perfect for anyone who wants to permanently rebuild their posture and alignment, 
and enjoy a pain free lifestyle. Recommended for everyone, beginners and seasoned yogis alike!

Candle Light Ease & Peace Retreat

Saturday November 23rd, 5:00-7:00pm

Treat yourself to a peaceful evening of deep relaxation, rest and renewal. This relaxation retreat will greatly help ease stress and help you slow down the pace of life! The session includes yin and restorative yoga, purifying breath-work and guided crystal bowl meditation. Totally Blissful! All are welcome, no yoga experience needed.

Meditation by the Sea
Happy Hiking
Fall Foliage
Bridge Over River
Wheat Field
Wandering Traveler
View of Meditation Garden
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