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Get to Know Me

Stella Stockton, M.Div, CYT, BCS
Wellness Entrepreneur, Artist, Teacher, Mystic, and Lifelong Learner

  Dancing with the great mystery that we call life.

My path has led me through many challenging yet miraculous life changes and provided ways for me to learn, heal, and be of service. 

I am most grateful to my teachers, (Master Cheng Lu and Veronica), two incredible modern day mystics who've taught me to navigate through these cycles of change- which are indeed endless!

If I may share even one spark from the healing fires that have shaped my learning, I would serve well and honour my teachers. 


  • I offer over 20 years experience, and I am dedicated to sharing and guiding those who feel called to my work.

  • Educational Background: 

  •  Master of Divinity degree, University of Metaphysical Sciences (Arcata, CA)

  • Certified Tai Chi instructor, under Grand Master Lu, Chung Shing Kung Fu Institute (SLC, UT)

  • Certified Behaviour Change Specialist, ACE (San Diego, CA)

  •  Certified Yoga teacher, Bright Angel Yoga School, (Vernon BC)

  • Certified Level 1 Sound Healing Practitioner, Sound Healing Academy, (Lostwithiel, UK)

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